The following posts are the results of free writes done in Terri Tate’s memoir writing groups.
Tyranny of the Harvest
When peaches or apples or plums are ready, they’re ready. No excuses or delays or procrastinating diversions will prevent the fruit from continuing to ripen, and drop or rot if you wait too long. I call it the tyranny of the harvest.
Couldn't Imagine
As a slender, curvaceous young woman, I took my body for granted. My health was good enough that it wasn’t something I thought about, and I was strong and fit enough to do anything I wanted to. Other than finding clothes that fit both my top and bottom,
Spoon Theory of Chronic Illness
Picture the tray that holds your cutlery. Picture it full to brimming with spoons. Now imagine opening the drawer and seeing only a few in each compartment. That’s Spoon Theory.
Small Things
This past pandemic year has brought the small things to the forefront. Things in general have become less important, the big things especially. Who cares about what car I drive — I’m rarely in it anyway. Almost all of my excursions have been to walk the dog in my neighborhood. Passing another human on the street —
I recently attended, or to be more accurate, tried to become engaged in a Zoom presentation on resiliency during these troubling times. The webinar was offered by an organization I trust and by presenters I respect. And yet, as timely as the topic might be, it was not compelling enough for me to focus on it.
Perfection is a trap. Or rather the notion that there is such a thing. That we can achieve it or be it or find it. Perfection leads to paralysis, procrastination, endless indecision, or doubt. To perseverance in pursuit of it.